Normal Free Education Policy In Value Perspective 价值视角下的高等师范免费教育政策
Reflections on the Free Education Policy for Teacher-training Students in Teachers Colleges and Universities of China; 高师院校师范生免费教育政策的思考师范生在师范院校学习。
The company has a detailed sharp metal free policy in place. 工厂已有实施具体的无金属政策。
Unsurprisingly, that has created pressures in the UK and Ireland to adopt a more protectionist attitude pressures which would be drastically reduced by a fully free immigration policy. 这给英国和爱尔兰造成了压力:要求采取更具保护主义色彩的政策,这并不令人感到意外而完全自由的移民政策将会大幅减少这种压力。
The Intended Effect and Influence of Free Education Policy for Students in Normal Universities 师范生免费教育政策的预期效果与影响
Do you remember that he had the free silver policy. 你还记得他实行过自由铸造银币政策吗?
The government adopts a free policy. 政府采取了自由贸易政策。
Within the context of its free trade policy, the Government aims at ensuring that Hong Kong's trading rights in overseas markets are safeguarded and its international obligations fulfilled. 在奉行自由贸易政策的大前提下,香港特区发展对外贸易关系的方向,是确保特区在海外市场的贸易权益获得保障,并且履行有关的国际义务。
This service is free to policy holders. 此项服务投保人可免费享受。
A Study on the Value Tendency Towards the Free Education Policy for Normal University Students 师范生免费教育政策的价值取向研究
Students free education policy is to further honoring teachers in the whole society formed a thick atmosphere for education to become the most respected social undertakings; 师范生免费教育政策就是要进一步在全社会形成尊师重教的浓厚氛围,让教师成为全社会最受尊重的职业;
But after joining WTO, China's agriculture will be influenced by the world trade free policy. 但加入WTO后,我国农业将不可避免地受到世界贸易自由化政策的影响。有哪些影响?
There are problems of the shortage of funds and limits of the number of people who enjoy free policy in the implement of "two exemptions and one supplement" in compulsory education. 我国义务教育教科书施行两免一补政策中存在资金不足、免费发放人数受限制等问题。
China will enter into WTO in the immediate future. After that, Chinese agriculture will be influenced inevitably by the free policy of the world agricultural products trade. 中国即将加入WTO,在加入WTO之后,中国农业将不可避免地受到国际产品贸易自由化政策的影响。
In order to form this focus, a better and free policy and external condition are necessary in industrial policy, basic installation, foreign capital, financial taxation, monetary policy, etc. 从目前来看,为促进这个经济增长重心的形成,必须在产业政策、基础设施建设、利用外资,财政税收、金融政策等方面进行宏观调控,营造一个良好的、宽松的政策环境和外部环境。
Discount loan of central government and import goods tax free policy were applied to this project, which make a good policy condition to control cost. 本工程利用中央政府的贴息贷款和国家有关进口设备免税政策,为控制工程造价创造了良好的政策环境。
The fulfilment of this free trade policy had promoted the development and prosperity of British capitalism, and helped the industrial bourgeois gain political power all to themselves. However, the free trade policy was an aggressive economic policy to the colonial countries and semi-colonial countries. 自由贸易政策的实施促进了英国资本主义的发展和繁荣,使工业资产阶级获得了独占政治的统治权,但是,对殖民地、半殖民地国家而言,自由贸易政策则是一种经济侵略政策。
Under the background of globalization the interest group can make American trade to seek balance between the free trade policy and the trade protective policy. 在经济全球化的背景下,利益集团的作用使美国贸易政策在自由贸易政策与保护贸易政策之间寻求平衡。
Migrants had limited knowledge on TB and they held different attitude to free treatment policy. 结果发现,流动人口对结核病相关知识和免费治疗政策了解有限,看法不一。
The third section I~ talked about the conflict between environment policy and free trade policy. 第三节讨论环境政策与贸易政策的冲突,指出自由贸易政策与环境保护政策并不实质性冲突。
After analyzed the survey data and China Statistical Yearbook and some other yearbooks, we have found the following issues: I. The free policy has achieved a strong positive effect. 通过对调研数据和《中国统计年鉴》等年鉴的数据分析,结合文献整理成果,我们有以下发现:一、城市义务教育免杂费政策实现了很强的正向效应。
For a long time, mainstream economists have been encouraging the free trade policy and the standard of the national welfare has always been the starting point and destination of traditional trade policy theory. 所以长期以来,主流经济学家一直推崇自由贸易政策,以政府追求社会福利最大化目标为前提,国民福利的增进与否始终是传统贸易政策理论研究的基本出发点和归宿。
As for the influencing factors of smoke free policy in internet cafes, three main aspects can be divided: internet cafes, law enforcement units and internet cafe customers. 无烟政策在网吧场所的有效实施主要受到来自网吧、相关执法单位及网吧顾客三方面的影响。
The implementation of smoke free policy had reduced the ETS level in internet cafes to some degree, although showing a fluctuation after the implementation. 《条例》在网吧场所的实施,在一定程度上降低了网吧环境烟草烟雾浓度水平,虽然呈现一定的波动性。
They analyze foreign trade foundation from international division of labor and they may American free trade policy. 它们从国际分工的角度分析对外贸易的基础,可以解释美国的自由贸易政策。
It largely depends on the pilot universities 'cultivating program to achieve the major strategic significance of the free policy. 如何实现免费政策重大战略意义,在很大程度上依赖试点大学所采取的培养方案。
This dissertation studied the relationship between the United States free trade policy and the multilateral trade regime from 1934 to 2004. 本论文以历史研究和定量研究相结合的方法,对美国自由贸易政策与战后多边贸易体制之间的关系进行研究,时间跨度从1934年的美国互惠贸易协定法开始一直到2004年。
As the first city with all parks opening free to people in Jiangsu province, Changzhou City shows brilliant feature in the implementing of city park opening free policy. 作为江苏省内第一个即将全面实现城市公园免费开放的地级市,常州市在公园免费开放政策的执行过程中表现出了鲜明的自身特色。
Firstly, free trade theory and free trade policy. It includes absolute interests theory and English Laissez-faire policy, comparative advantage theory and English free trade policy, and Factor Endowment theory and its using. 首先,对自由贸易理论与自由贸易政策的研究,包括绝对利益理论与英国的自由放任政策,比较利益理论与英国的自由贸易政策,要素禀赋理论及其应用。